
 Jacket or Tie? 

Are you in or seeking a job in management? You should consider opting for a jacket in your photo. You know your audience and chose accordingly.  If you are a litigation attorney and present in a court with tie, then chose a tie for your headshot.  Even if your clients or job require a business casual look, if you intend to present at a conference, speakers bio look better with Jacket and Tie


Patterns and Colors?

Huge patterns in your tie and shirt are a definite no no. Solid shirts with a small patterned tie are the way to go. Use colors to make your statement instead.  A light shirt with dark tie or vice versa.  Light shirts such as white, pale blue or gray work well.

But you love stripes….Well keep the spacing small in the stripes on the shirt and pair it with a solid tie.

Darker end of gray, blue work well for Jacket color.  If it is too dark black or blue, the details are lost.  Jackets with a sheen are a no-no.


No tie?

Jacket is still a good idea.  Contrast your shirt color with the Jacket,  keeping in the same family though. 


No Jacket?

If you aren’t wearing a jacket, wear a collared, button-up shirt.  Solid colored shirts work best when you aren’t wearing a jacket. Your shirt should contrast with the background.  Stripes and Patterns on a Shirt without a Jacket makes my camera crazy….


More than the clothes

Shirts: Clean, freshly-ironed shirts, Newer shirts (faded and frayed collars are no, no).

All Clothes:  Try them on.  Do they fit properly?  Too big, too tight? 


Belt (coordinated with outfit, relatively new without frayed edges),

Polished and Clean Shoes,

CLEAN eye glasses, Smudge free.


Visit your favorite hair stylist at least 3-4 days before the session. 

Cut and color should be fresh. 

Shave closer to the session time (especially for afternoon sessions). 

Trim your beard. 

Trim your nails. 

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize.

Your teeth should be sparkling. 


Bring A Backup Option

Just in case.  We will photograph you with and without jacket, with and without tie.

We can’t wait to see you!