Observe, Listen and Pay Attention!
Our Women Business Owner of this month highlights Eileen Sinett. Her specialty is speech, presentation and communication improvement. She promotes speaker confidence, message clarity and audience connection for speakers worldwide. This can mean: enhancing a presentation with a more engaging opening, improving the presentation “story,” and maximizing body language, voice and articulation. She has been in the business for over 30 years.
We loved doing a YouShine session with Eileen. She was elegant, sharp and so much fun! Read on further for her thoughts on work, style, and what keeps her inspired:
What were your high points in your business?
Training a corporate team based in Prague, Czech Republic in sales and presentations. (First experience with a translator!) and encouraging and mentoring a foreign-born student to pursue her Master Degree even though she missed the application deadline. (She now has a PhD!).
What makes you stand out?
I’m a professionally-trained observer and listener, with a background in both the speech arts and the communication sciences. I’m a humanist with a passion for diversity, trust my intuition and am attentive to detail.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in their entrepreneurial venture?
Continue to work part-time to support your dream. Find a mentor and don’t be undercapitalized. Take a leap of faith when it comes to advertising and marketing.
What is your intrinsic style?
I was initially trained as a behaviorist, but I’m a humanist who is intuitive and emotionally intelligent. I’m sensitive to people’s fears and know how to engage trust.
If there is one place on earth where you could settle to create your best product, where would it be?
I envision a mountainous background with 70-degree weather most of the year with low or no humidity.
What emotions does your creation elevate or soothe?
Insecurity, fear, anxiety, perfectionism, empowerment.
What books, movies, music inspire you?
Movies and books with themes on overcoming adversity grab my attention. I love live music, more percussion and instrumental than lyrical. I keep returning to Pat Matheny, Miles Davis, and too many saxophone players to mention.
What is new and exciting happening in your business?
Launching 4 programs in Feb/Mar 2019: Rehearsals: presentation practice with peer and coach feedback; Eliminating um’s and er’s and other vocal fillers; Enhancing English as a Second Language through creative speaker videos; 4 Points of Connection – Presentation Excellence!
Please share a few words about working with kapuPatel Photography. We love the love our clients show us.
Kapu Patel and her team were attentive, friendly and pampering. I felt like a celebrity in a Green Room. My hair and make-up were grand and the photo-shoot, enjoyable (despite my photo-phobia L). The team is very spacious with their time – I never felt rushed. Even when I couldn’t make up my mind on photo-selection and needed to delay my decision, Kapu handled this professionally, and with patience and grace. I also value Kapu’s ideas on how and where to use the photos. Very business-helpful!