More Than Just A Headshot - A Power Shot

Let me ask you this - when was the last time you got a professional Headshot done?  You know it’s time to get / update your Headshot if:  

  • you are still using the blurry selfie from last year’s thanksgiving dinner / or maybe a caricature / or the LinkedIn generic gray guy.

  • your clients don’t know what you look like.

  • your current Headshot is a low quality, poorly lit one that doesn’t rightly represent your brand and you.

Did you know that more people today hire you based on your online profile than ever before.  

Your Headshot is the first impression of you.  

It impresses upon the audience your competency, trustworthiness and likeability. Times have changed. Your brand images should include something more than your traditional thumbnail Headshot.

A study published in the journal Psychological Science by Princeton professor, Alexander Todorov, author of the book, Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions suggests we judge new faces online after only 100 milliseconds, literally shorter than a blink of an eye. We form impressions very quickly, effortlessly and immediately. Looking at the image longer actually increases the confidence in the perceptions we form.  

Your Headshot should depend on the specific context and it should fit in with your objective. For example, smiling conveys trustworthiness.  But your smile should be genuine and authentic otherwise we can look like botoxed caricatures.  If you are on a speaker circuit, it is important to have a few images in your folio that show more than your head and shoulders.  Your body language also speaks about your competence and expertise.

Our Headshot Exclusive is a condensed and cheerful version of our more detailed Branding session and is also the quickest way to get yourself professional Headshots if you are in a hurry and without breaking the bank. You can add / update a new look(s) to your current portfolio, update your social media presence, or maybe even get your very first professional headshot!

Our Headshot Exclusive truly packs a punch in one small session.

So what does our Headshot Exclusive really entail?

  • Before you arrive for your Headshot appointment, we send you a signature Style Guide so you can get thinking and planning about what to wear.

    For e.g; Men may be thinking a jacket or tie? It depends. Are you in or seeking a job in management? You should consider opting for a jacket in your photo. If you are a litigation attorney and present in a court with tie, then chose a tie for your Headshot. For women, do the same things apply? Is it a suit with a jacket or a sheath dress? Keep your outfits and jewelry simple and classic. And more such tips in the Style Guide.

  • On the day of your Headshot session, you can arrive relaxed because you have hired a professional. It is our job to keep you at ease.

  • You have a 30-minute guided (from your smile to your fingertips) headshot session with Kapu. We have fun and I get to know you, your business and client profile and we discuss your branding strategy, your future plans and I plan your Headshots accordingly.

  • Guided selection: As a professional photographer I will walk you through a guided selection. I recently advised a client to choose an alternate Headshot because they looked too young in one of their selection (yes, there is such a thing :0), especially since their profession values years of experience in the field.

  • Your favorite Headshots are then edited, hand-retouched and delivered to you in high resolution. You will also have the option to purchase additional retouched Headshots for $290 apiece.

If you are interested in updating your Headshot, give me a call at 609-933-8361.  We are offering a special on Wednesday / Sept 11th in my studio. It is for one day, with five slots only. Details below:


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