Boudoir photography, the unbelievable gift to yourself!

You are beautiful!

You are beautiful right now, just the way you are - without having to lose any weight or gain any weight or with long / short hair / colored / non colored hair. Just read this, internalize it and believe me when I say,


I see women go through so many insecurities in the way they look and they feel about themselves. You are not the only one feeling this way. Perhaps even your bestie or your sister feel this way about themselves. It’s a vicious cycle of self doubt that starts at teenage years and we carry it through our lives, all the time. The battle with the weight is an ongoing one. Why fight that battle? There are so many other things in life to worry about, why make your weight and your body one of them. You are beautiful! You need to say this to yourself. You need to SEE this in yourself. Once you see it, you believe it, the world will see it.

Do you know that feeling of being confident and strong? That’s what you need, that is what all of us really need. And you won’t achieve it by losing a few pounds, fixing your grey hair and hiding your wrinkles. Feeling good in your skin is what a boudoir portrait session is all about.

A boudoir portrait session is celebrating your body, for the beautiful miracle it is, for its strength and confidence.

You are beautiful just the way you are and a boudoir portrait session will remind you of this every time you look at your artwork on your walls. When you wake up to see just how stunning you are, the confidence that radiates from your boudoir portrait photos will spill over into other areas of your life, in your relationships, in your perspective, in your attitude towards others and yourself.

Rediscovering yourself and accepting yourself the way you are today and realizing how beautiful you are, is what I bring out in the women I photograph. Leave it to me find that spark in you.

Get in touch with me, let’s schedule a time and chat about how you feel. Let me guide you through your self discovery process. Boudoir session is truly an unbelievable gift to yourself!


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