A Prom To Remember

We make Prom Portraits:

  • Fun

  • Exciting

  • Memorable

  • Unique

  • And Oh-so-Instagram worthy!

And the best part - Beautiful art prints for the parents to hold on to.

This year we had the parents and the Seniors surprise each other with hand written personal messages, there were lovely long roses for the Moms. And of course, there were some awesome styled shots with the dates. Not just your usual studio shots, but motorbike shots, fun goofy shots and also some traditional shots. Here are some of the Prom Portraits we created for our special girl, Shefali!

We are now gearing up for our next Prom event - The HS South Senior Prom on June 14th! Put aside the usual park pictures taken on an iphone by your friends, and pose for a fun, glam, and uniquely styled Prom Portraits with us! You can be rest assured that your images will be unique, no less! Know anyone who might be interested? Direct them our way. Book your Prom Session now!



The Technique and The Art of Photography


Channeling Audrey